It is our pleasure to invite you to the 15th International Feed Technology Symposium “FEED-TO-FOOD” / COST FEED FOR HEALTH joint Workshop, which will take place in building of NIS – GAZPROM NEFT in Novi Sad, Serbia, from 3rd to 5th October 2012.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission 1st September
Abstract acceptance notification 5th September
Full paper submission10th September
Important Information:
The SYMPOSIUM and COST FEED FOR HEALTH joint Workshop are organized by Institute of Food Technology (FINS), Research Centre Feed to Food of the University of Novi Sad – Serbia in collaboration with the COST action FA 0802 Feed for Health.
Novi Sad

Seen in terms of our Republic, Novi Sad is a capital of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, second largest city in Republic of Serbia, after Belgrade.

Serbia has always straddled East and West, not only in a geographical sense, but also politically and culturally...
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